Fanfiction I've actually read
Yesterday I stated reading Suki's Sailor Moon X. It's really just started, only two chapters and just a few new characters so far but I'm absolutely in LOVE with her writing and I can't wait to read more. :3
There aren't too many fics I have read all the way through. I've started on Shuu's Eternal Darkness story, and I read all the way through Lei's Sacrifice Through Time, but not all at once so I think I really need to re-read the whole thing more closely.
I remember a long time ago, I was reading a fic about Sailor Dark Angel. She had a black outfit and a long red braid. I remember really liking it, but I don't think I ever finished it.
Other than Suki's fic, I am also watching two other stories on Born On A Blue Moon is a Silver Millennium Moon Kingdom story that has some PGSM themes and wonderful characterization. I'm not all caught up on that story, but what I've read I have enjoied. I've also been following BSSM: Hidden Destiny but I haven't read the newer stuff.
On The Oracle's Message Boards user michael has been posting a really neat fic about Naru and an AU universe where she is a Sailor Senshi, but not in the ways I've seen it done before. I only read up through about chapter six and there's a lot more now that I haven't gotten to yet. The story can be found here; I was having a great time with it. :D
Has anyone read any fanfics that are complete or nearly complete that they just thought were AWESOME? I'd love to know about them :3